This page contains the answers to Frequently Asked Question(s) (F.A.Q.) and will be gradually populated.
Q1. I have downloaded the data and noticed that the annotations of some patients are disconnected. Why all the annotations are not two connected components?
A1. This happened due to a lack of density difference in such areas of
the jawbone, this can be due to CBCT acquisition noise or
patient-specific conditions. Sometimes (in a few cases) this makes it
hard (extremely so) or impossible to provide the 3D annotation and this
is why you'll find holes. All the sparse labels, as they are annotated
with a different approach (unfortunately not suitable for the dense
labels) are complete and do not have any broken parts. Moreover, in the
split we provided by default in the dataset, the test set is a small set
of 15 patients such that all their annotations are complete.
We ensure that all GT samples in the test set will have exactly two
connected components, one for each canal.